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V. Ships career and recruitment site for officers, seafarers. | VShips VCrew

Kliknięcia: 351, Dodana witryna: May 24, 2015
V. Ships career and recruitment site for officers, seafarers. | VShips VCrew
V. Ships career and recruitment site for officers, seafarers. | VShips VCrew
LINK : vmanpower.pl
Kraj: Polska
słowo 1: vships
słowo 2: v ships
słowo 3: officers
słowo 4: careers
słowo 5: shipping
słowo 6: jobs at sea
słowo 7: engine room
słowo 8: master
słowo 9: captain
słowo 10: chief officer
Welcome to V.Ships shipping and offshore recruitment site for officers, ratings, cadets, maritime professionals. V.Group shore jobs are also posted here.